Dr Green was commissioned to write the article ‘A GP guide to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in fertility’ for Australian Doctor under the Therapy Update, available at https://www.ausdoc.com.au/therapy-update/gp-guide-endocrinedisrupting-chemicals-fertility. This is the number one medical publication in Australia with over 22,000 medical professional subscribers and more than 150,000 visits a month.
Dr Green’s expert opinion and comments were used in an article entitled ‘Mums into the green scene’ in the Herald Sun newspaper, 22nd September.
Dr Green was interviewed for an article published on Kidspot, entitled ‘The everyday activities that are harming our fertility’. It is available online at https://www.kidspot.com.au/birth/conception/fertility/the-everyday-activities-that-are-harming-our-fertility/news-story/f9e56d9fa419375cb4e79660ddcc77c3.
Dr Green was interviewed by ABC Radio Melbourne, Ballarat and Drive-time on the ‘Future of Plastic’ and its effects on our health, as part of the Science Festival Week promotion for the Faculty of Science public event, 12-13th August.
Dr Green has authored a commentary article for The Conversation entitled ‘You need more than just testes to make a penis’, highlighting a new publication in the field. It is available at http://theconversation.com/you-need-more-than-just-testes-to-make-a-penis-111625 and on the ABC news site at https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-15/disorders-of-penis-developement-are-on-the-rise/10812360. This article had over 250,000 reads in 48 hours.
Dr Green’s paper on the effects of atrazine on male health and fertility has received national media coverage, with articles in the Age and Sydney Morning Herald, as well as articles in the University of Melbourne Pursuit and Medical Express.
Dr Green contributed to an article in The Age and Sydney Morning Herald titled ‘Experts concerned fertility testing is an expensive con’. It is available online at https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/experts-concerned-fertility-testing-is-an-expensive-con-20181228-p50ojz.html.