Dr Green commissioned to write an article for Australian Doctor

Dr Green was commissioned to write the article ‘A GP guide to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in fertility’ for Australian Doctor under the Therapy Update, available at https://www.ausdoc.com.au/therapy-update/gp-guide-endocrinedisrupting-chemicals-fertility. This is the number one medical publication in Australia with over 22,000 medical professional subscribers and more than 150,000 visits a month.

Dr Green in The Conversation and ABC News

Dr Green has authored a commentary article for The Conversation entitled ‘You need more than just testes to make a penis’, highlighting a new publication in the field. It is available at http://theconversation.com/you-need-more-than-just-testes-to-make-a-penis-111625 and on the ABC news site at https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-15/disorders-of-penis-developement-are-on-the-rise/10812360. This article had over 250,000 reads in 48 hours.